Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Will Your Name Be Called?

It begins tomorrow! There's already one lucky person on standby for Flight 1059 to Coachella. She registered through and got the inside scoop. Tomorrow morning at 7:10, we'll draw from the names entered into and announce someone on the air. They (you?) will then have 10 minutes, 59 seconds to call and confirm...then, it's onto the standby list for Flight 1059 to check out Rage, the Chilis, Sonic Youth, and a hundred other great bands for a life-altering weekend of fun.

Have you checked out the Trent Reznor stuff for the new NIN CD? It's all up on our main page and I thoroughly encourage you to open your mind and view Trent's pseudoterroristic pre-apocalypse goings-on. From fake message boards to MP3s of terrorist acts and police brutality, this stuff has it all...including a mind-control drug leaked into the waters of our own Orlando!
Say what you will about the guy, he knows how to market and promote.

Thanks as always for checking out the show...hope you're enjoying it nearly as much as we are!

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