Thursday, February 22, 2007

pull the trigger!

Here's Savannah's controversial myspace picture. It spawned the following email:

To whom it may concern: As the parent of a 15 year old boy I am occasionally exposed to yourstation and although it is not my cup of tea I have been listening forquite a while now and have always been able to stomach the juvenilehumor you push down the throats of our young men and women here inOrlando. I even listened to the plunging of asses and exploitation ofwomen by the idiots you have on at night. I am tolerant of many things but last night I checked into my son's myspace and found the most offensive material I have ever seen. Youmorning show host sexy savannh has a photo of her naked with a GUN! Ifit is not taken down immediately I will never listen to your stationagain and I will encourage my friends to do the same. I am sending acopy of this email with the obscene photo attached to CBS corporate.thank you for your prompt attention to this matter,sally j.

What do ya think?


Jen said...

I think that it is an awesome photo of Savannah. She is not hurting anyone with it and if people don't like it they shouldn't look at it!!!

Amber said...
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Amber said...

I think that this picture is great! It's a great expression of you. If "Sally" feels that it is so offensive maybe she should better monitor what her son is doing on the internet. Personally, a fifteen year old child-esp a boy shouldn't be on thenet without supervision or some sort of cybernanny. He can find many more explicit things on the net than this! There are no body part showing-actually your covered more than a bathing suit---so is he not allowed to go to the beach? Also on the gun issue- is he not able to watch TV? Get over it Sally! If you don't like than don't look at it or listen to it! There are many more supporters than just her! Thanks Savannah-You Rock!


FreeXpression said...

Wow Sally J. needs to realise that she needs to check herself and start acting as a parent to HER child not the whole world. If she is so upset at what her son listens to and has on his myspace page then she needs to sensor what HE does and not sensor the content that is out there.

No one at Orock or any other radio station is or has ever, as she puts it, "push(ed)(any type of content) down the throats of our young men and women here in Orlando." Everyone including her, has the freedom to change the station and not listen to the show if it isn't their "cup of tea."

As far as the photo goes, she can just be a parent and either ban her kid from myspace, or put parental controls on her son's computer, thats why they have the parental controls. I'm sure her son is looking at worse pictures online that the one of Savannah.
I personally think the photo is sexy, even though my feelings are mixed on guns.

So, Sally J. - ruin things for your son, but not anyone else, mkay, thanks, bye.

Cigi said...

No nipples, no crack(S), no problem. That lady can just get over herself. :)

Tan said...

"Sally Sally Sally"..........

Shame on you. Shame shame shame.
Savannah has every right to express herself on her "personal" web page, just as much as you do with your flabbering idiot comments. Like everyone before me has said, You need to try and be a better parent, and get some parenting skills. I understand you trying to "guard" your child from the world, and ^5 to you for that, but blaming savannah because your child looked at her pics is the most ridiculous. I agree savannah can go a "lil Sideways" at times..
lol, but it is her choice and I applaud her, Plus I love that surfing pic with the white top.....


Johnny C. said...

So I heard about the possible temporary suspension that Savannah would have to suffer if she did not take the picture down. It's amazing how one overbearing mother can ruin the establishment of the First Amendment. Granted, it's up to the discretion of CBS Radio to determine whether or not Savannah
can post that picture on a MySpace page that represents the company. They reserve that right to monitor THEIR OWN content and I respect that. What I don't respect is the fact that if ONE PERSON complains about the company's content, then the company must appease that complaint by taking down said content.

As an avid listener of the station I guarantee that Savannah's picture is not the most offensive thing that O-Rock 105.9 has ever done. I have heard much worse, and, guess what? There's even a disclaimer played periodically on the air. I am a firm believer in a broadcasting company's right to monitor its own content without outside interference, and I am also a firm believer in the statement "it's either all okay, or none of it is." And furthermore I'm a believer in a parent taking responsibility for their own child and monitoring what that child is exposed to instead of "blaming Canada" for their child's behavior.

So, to Savannah I say, "Pull that trigger all you want!" To CBS Radio I say, "Go back to your roots and remember that you're all about pushing the envelope." And to Sally J. I say, "Be a parent and stop shredding the Bill of Rights!"

Johnny C.
Aspiring Radio DJ looking for work.

Lisa said...

I think it's kinda sexy. I don't think 15 year old boys should be surfing the net without parental observation. There is sooo much worse out there for him to view. It's not like this is porn.

brian said...

There's nothing wrong with the picture, its not showing anything that would be obscene in any way and guns are most tv shows that are on television people just want to have something to fuss about because there is no nudity so she shouldnt have to take it down from myspace or anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

That is one hot pic! Though slightly risque, it doesn't portray violence, theft or any other immoral behavior. It is a wonderful fantasy photo. Linking it from your workplace website may not be the best career move but it hardly offers grounds for action. If people are offended, get over it!

The right to free speech and the so called right to not be offended are mutually exclusive. In this country, we choose free speech.