Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tara Reid or Skeletor?

CLICK HERE to see what surgery, starvation, and partying has done to a girl who used to be a hottie. It's kinda gross!

Tiger this real?

Orlando's Tiger Woods recently did a cover for Golf Digest magazine. It was shot here in town. CLICK HERE to see a bulging arm that Savannah says is fake. What do you think?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Megan Fox's Nipple?

Ya know that super-hot girl from Transformers, Megan Fox? She was signing some stuff for fans and her nipple may have popped out. CLICK HERE to judge for yourself!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Indiana Jones Movie!

CLICK HERE to check out the poster for the brand-new Indiana Jones movie! Can Harrison Ford still properly work his...umm...whip?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Add Five Years to Your Life!

If you stare at boobs for an extra ten minutes a day, you'll add five years to your life! CLICK HERE to start staring and living longer!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Local Sexual Predator!

Click here to see the latest female teacher who got caught by the cops in Lake Mary right after she picked up a 14-year-old boy, drove him to get condoms, and allegedly had sex with him! From this picture, she looks like a woman in her mid-30s who wouldn't have to risk a prison sentence to get a little lovin'! What in the hell is wrong with the world today?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Missing Kansas Girl...Internet Porn Star?

Click here to see the really hot (yet possibly dead) girl who disappeared after telling her parents on Thanksgiving about her secret internet porn career.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

One-HIT Wonder?

Click here to see the lead singer of Crazytown smoking crack! I always thought he had a second "hit" in him...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Orlando Maxim Hottie!

Click here to see the hottest girl in Orlando as she looks in Maxim Magazine!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Heidi Klum Nude!

Click here to see what supermodel Heidi Klum looks like naked!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hayden's SO Hot!

CLICK HERE for a hot picture of Hayden Panetterie from Heroes!

Beastie Boys at Langerado!

Click here to get the deal on Beastie Boys and REM coming to Florida in March...and tickets go on sale Friday, November 16th!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Beastie Boys and REM coming to Florida...together!

Click here for information about the Beastie Boys/REM-headlined music festival coming to Florida in March. Tickets go on sale this Friday at noon!

Lindsey Lohan

Click here to see what's going on under Lindsey Lohan's skirt!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Buffy's Still Hot!

I wish I was a vampire so she could slay me. Slay me in my groin. CLICK HERE TO SEE WHY.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Jesus, Save Me Some Soda...

These are the holiday-themed sodas that Jones has released this year. Which would you choose?

Friday, November 9, 2007

Does Your Job Suck?

AOL and CBS MarketWatch put together a list of the 10 worst jobs in America, based on salary, chances for advancement, prestige and, in general, how enjoyable they are. And if you learn one thing from the list, it's this: Never work at a movie theater or restaurant.

#10.) MOTION PICTURE PROJECTIONISTS. Low salary, almost no benefits . . . and you have to sit through the same awful movies like "The Game Plan" and whatever the monthly TYLER PERRY movie is over and over and over.

#9.) DISHWASHERS. You don't get paid, you burn and tear up your hands . . . and unlike all the other people in the restaurant, you don't get tips.

#8.) MODELS, DEMONSTRATORS AND PRODUCT PROMOTERS. Unless you're a superstar model, your chance of making a decent living is almost zero. You'll mostly be stuck at trade shows and car shows.

#7.) TOUR AND TRAVEL GUIDES. Tour guides have to BEG for tips . . . because their salaries are so low. And, if you're giving tours to foreign tourists, you're in trouble . . . because most other countries aren't down with generous, American-style tipping.

#6.) WAITERS. Whether you can pay rent for the month depends on how generous people are, and whether they tip the before-tax total or after-tax total. And that's a tough way to live.

#5.) LIFEGUARDS. It's OK as a summer job when you're in high school . . . but it's not a very promising career as an adult.

#4.) FABRIC AND APPAREL PATTERNMAKERS. The pay is low, the hours are long and the work is unbelievably repetitive.

#3.) USHERS, LOBBY ATTENDANTS AND TICKET TAKERS. All of these movie theater jobs have low pay, strange hours . . . and constant interactions with angry customers. And you'll have to work all major holidays and weekends.

#2.) COUNTER ATTENDANTS. Whether you're at the concession stand at a movie theater, an amusement park or a coffee shop, you have to deal with a high volume of customers, all with different, complex orders . . . and you barely get minimum wage.

#1.) HOSTS AND HOSTESSES. Working as a host at a busy restaurant is mentally and physically exhausting . . . you have to be diplomatic, organized AND able to handle a constant flow of hungry AND angry people.

--And you won't get paid much, won't get tips . . . and don't really have any long-term prospects of moving up. (AOL Money & Finance)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Jenkum???'s the new drug invading our schools. It originates from Africa. It's called "Jenkum" and it's made by people who ferment their own waste (pee and poo), put it in a bottle, and huff it. It allegedly leads to intense hallucinations, but I'll never find out because I'm not huffing my own poo. Mostly because users report a week-long sewage taste in their mouths afterwards. Bleah.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's O-Rock 1059 Day!

How cool is this? Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer will call O-Rock 1059 this morning to proclaim the following:

On October 31, 2000 at 12:06 p.m., O-ROCK 105.9 was born, after playing 5,000 songs in a row to kickoff O-ROCK 105.9. O-ROCK hit the Central Florida airwaves for the first time with the song “Down” by 311; and On December 8, 2000, Alan Smith & Bobby Smith were the first DJ’s to crack the microphone on O-ROCK; and Since its inception, O-ROCK has had multiple DJs and programs including the Howard Stern Show; and In December 2005, The Morning After Show with Drew Garabo and Mel Taylor debuted to Central Florida listeners and in June 2006, O-ROCK welcomed The Sexy Savannah to the on-air line-up; O-ROCK 105.9 has hosted seven Mystery Shows and this year will hold the fourth No Snow Show; and After more than 650,000 songs, O-ROCK is celebrating their 7th anniversary in the heart of Downtown Orlando on Church Street Proclaim October 31 as “O-ROCK 105.9 Day” in the City of Orlando.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jesse Jane and Savannah...AGAIN!

Wow, does Criminal Ben do some great work! He's busted his butt to get a relatively-indecency-free version of the Jesse Jane/Savannah coupling up on the website. Here is his most recent handiwork. Enjoy!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Sexy Savannah and Jesse Jane!

Wow...and I thought the Jenna Haze lapdance was hot! Click HERE to see Jesse Jane do a lapdance for our own Sexy Savannah!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Joanna Angel, Porn Star

Just when you thought it was safe to turn on your radio...another scorching siren of the adult film industry will penetrate your ears. Tomorrow (Thursday) morning, Joanna Angel joins us. She's hot, smart, crazy, and should prove to be a great interview. Here's what she looks like:

We're also going to have an interview with the guy who's in the new Miller High Life commercials. Super-funny spots that feature a large black man taking Miller High Life out of places that charge too much for food, cover charges, etc. Funny stuff!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Nothing like some Radiohead...

Click here for the new RADIOHEAD release!
In case you haven't heard, they have no record label and no scheduled CD release. This is an internet-only download...check it out!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Orlando Weekly Cover-Shocking?

The cover of the brand-new Orlando Weekly features 2 guys about to kiss. We know the 2 of them, and they're wonderful human beings...but the cover was still quite a shock! Can you handle it? Did it turn your stomach? Turn you on? Check out some O-Rock 1059 caller reaction by clicking on "Drew and Savannah Speak" and listening!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Radiohead Breaks New Ground!

Radiohead's new album, In Rainbows, will be available on October 10th as a digital download via Radiohead-dot-com. A hard copy of the disc won't be released until December 3rd. But real fans might want to wait until early 2008 when the band releases the Discbox -- a special-edition box set containing double vinyl and C-D versions of the record and a second disc with additional new songs, artwork and photographs. If you think you can find a leaked copy of the album or clips of the songs on the Internet, forget it. Promotional copies will not be made available. The band's spokesperson won't even get a chance to listen to it until October 10th!

Friday, September 28, 2007

I like pot and candy...

In a story too delicious to be true, a company has been producing chocolate bars and other snacks infused with the marijuana. Despite their ingenius packaging, they somehow got raided. Now where are we gonna get our Weedchamacallits?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Very Creepy Angle of Local Murder

We talked yesterday about an Oviedo murder involving a possible love triangle gone bad. I can't attest to the validity of this website, but the alleged murderer's name is indeed Andrew Allred. The 19-year-old girl he is charged with shooting to death had a screenname "CrazedIncuChic," according to the website. If that's the case...well, we play more Incubus than any other radio station in town. So, if you knew her or were a friend of hers...we extend our deepest sympathy.

Click here to be creeped out by the foreshadowing. Again, we have no way of knowing if this is legit or not.

Friday, September 7, 2007

High School Musical Nekkid Pics!

So, I guess this chick is in High School Musical. Her name is Vanessa Hudgens. Why should you care about that? Because this naked picture of her has surfaced! Love it!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007

Nick Hogan's Car Crash Pix

Nick Hogan, the Hulkster's son, was in a very bad accident in his Toyota Supra on Sunday night. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hogan family. This pic comes from Perez Hilton's gossip website, the "wow" is his.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

American Butt Idol!

When did Katherine McPhee, American Idol runner-up, get such a delicious butt? I don't know about that brown leotard-tail-thingy hanging down...but the butt itself is magnificent!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Mugshot Tee Shirt

Can you think of a better t-shirt to wear for your DUI mugshot? Classic! If I got busted for weed, I would want to wear a shirt that said "I'm not as think as you stoned I am." That would pretty much rule.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Deck Is Open!

Join us this Friday night at the Hunt Club Tijuana Flats for the grand-re-opening of the coolest deck in town! The festivities get underway at 7:30 PM with live music, $1.50 Coronas, giveaways, and tons of fun! Come hang out and enjoy the greatest burritos on the planet. It'll be a blast! Check for more info!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

La-dee-dah-dee, We Likes to Party...

Young Hollywood starlet with an affinity for boozing it up decides to chase her former assistant (who had just been dismissed that night) while drunk. Despite the SCRAM anklet and the cocaine in her pocket, she navigates her Denali towards the fleeing Escalade. Is this a girl gone out of control or the unfortunate byproduct of fame and fortune? It's both. Clearly, Lindsey Lohan has some potential addiction issues she should work out. However, why is it such a big deal to us? Is it because we love to watch the once-mighty stumble? Do we need the misfortune of the rich and famous to feel better about our own possible missteps? Is this just a carnival exhibit, a freak show being played out in the tabloids?

Already in deep hot water for past DUIs, this epitome of teenage wasteland made the decision to drive drunk with coke in her pocket. Not somebody else's coke, like the booger sugar they found in her last police incident...but her own. Anyone who couldn't see themself living a life of excess in Young Hollywood isn't being too honest, but without limits? Live fast, die young, leave a great-looking that the name of the game? Britney Spears is melting down at photo shoots, Paris Hilton is back in the party scene after her brief incarceration, and Lindsey makes a 3-day transformation like this:

Honestly, I know what it's like first-hand to find yourself in a situation where you've got disposable income, an opportunity to endulge, and a "party crowd" that is more than happy to enable you to get in the game. Knowing when to say "enough" is vital to staying alive and employed. If Lindsey Lohan already had an addictive personality, her status as an actress and party favor likely did nothing to intensify her desire to stay grounded. Throw into the mix a Springer-esque home life and a nasty split between mom and dad and you've got the next E! True Hollywood story.

You might not feel bad for Lindsey Lohan, but I do. I wish that she had just a few people around her who could have at least tried to intervene. She's obviously close to the ledge and there doesn't seem to be anyone who can help her step back. I'm sure she's not alone in her penchant for the cocaine, but most of Young Hollywood seems to do a damn good job of keeping it out of the media. Granted, nobody else has as big of a bullseye across her ample bosom...but Lindsey sure does make it easy for the tabloids.

If all the charges stick, she could do a few years behind bars. She'll probably end up doing a few months. She's currently in another rehab facility, hopefully one a bit more effective than the one that she checked into just last week. We've all got our demons to wrestle with, and this young starlet is no exception. Let Lindsey Lohan's alarming irresponsibility inspire you to keep yourself in check. There's nothing wrong with going out with friends and wanting to release your inhibitions. I make the personal choice not to drink simply because I know how irresponsible and sloppy I get once I've had a few. Still, I enjoy being around people in various states of inebriation...but I enjoy it a lot more when I don't have to drive them home, watch them puke, or worry about who they might have killed on the way home.

As rough as the road ahead looks for La Lohan, at least she's got it a tad easier than Lane Garrison. He played "Tweener" on Prison Break, a brilliant show on FOX. One night of drinking and drugging turned fatal for Lane, and he killed 2 underaged kids and left one paralyzed after he crashed his SUV. He'll be sentenced in a short while, and I hope all the girls growing up idolizing Paris and Lindsey can at least hear about how the rest of his life is screwed up because he didn't make responsible choices. Blind hope, perhaps, but in this crazy world...sometimes that's all we've got.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

What Would We Look Like as Simpsons?

There sure is a lot of hype around this upcoming Simpsons movie! There's a that has some phenomenal ways to waste time at work today. You can even see what you would look like as part of the Simpsons universe! Here's what we came up with for your Morning After Show:

Monday, July 16, 2007

Angels in the Doubtfield

Some South Carolina yahoos thought they saw angels in this picture that they took in Florida. What do you think?

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Savannah's First Birthday Party/Nature Kids Reunion!

Mark your calendar! Friday the Thirteenth of July, O-Rock 1050 and Coors Light are proud to present SAVANNAH'S FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY! The Nature Kids will reunite and play for the first time in over five years! This monumental event will be held at the Social in downtown Orlando.Tons of Coors Light specials and all of O-Rock 1059 hanging out, 3 bands playing (Ariya and Scissors for Lefty are opening)...this is a can't-miss event!

Doors at 9:00PM, $10.00, 18 and up. Tickets available at the door of the Social, Ticketmaster locations, Park Ave CDs UCF, and Park Ave CDs. them on the Morning After Show! See ya there!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Jenna Haze Gives Savannah a Lapdance!

Thanks to CRIMINAL BEN, we have video of a hot lapdance that Jenna Haze did for Savannah this morning. I must warn the faint of heart that about 2:00 in, for some strange reason, I thought it would be a good idea to take over for Jenna, take my shirt off, and thrust against Savannah's face. Consider yourself warned. Here's the link: click!

Jenna Haze In Studio!

Another Jenna Haze Picture!

This is Savannah's favorite Jenna Haze picture. What does that say about her? Please call 407-919-1059 right now if you have any ideas.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Jenna HAZE!


Tomorrow morning...The Morning After Show will have in-studio...the unbelievably hot adult film star JENNA HAZE! She's in Central Florida to meet and greet her fans at both the Fairvilla Megastore locations here in town. Thursday night, go hang with her at Fairvilla Orlando on Orange Blossom Trail...and Friday night, make it a beachside night in Cape Canaveral. Doesn't she look like the kind of girl you want to get to know better?
That's Jenna Haze, live on The Morning After Show Thursday!

Rock out with your GUAC out!

Our dear friends at Tijuana Flats Burrito Co. are looking for local and unsigned bands to feature on their website! For all the details you need to know, check out their myspace page at! Good luck!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tokay Gecko!

Savannah claims to have captured a Tokay Gecko in her house! These things are so freaky-looking! Have you seen anything that looks like this in your neighborhood? They're stunningly-beautiful yet have a mean disposition. Hmm...I wonder why it was drawn to Savannah?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Change Would Do You Good...

I've learned that as a general rule, people resist change. We become so comfortable with our routines that the slightest hiccup jars us from what we find cozy. At times, change can intimidate or scare us. At the same time, I've found through my experience that it's easy to let something comfortable become stagnant. It takes a tremendous commitment to not let this happen.

When I found out we would be playing more music on O-Rock 1059, even though it was outside what I had become accustomed to, I knew it was the right move. We had shifted into a grey area of a music/talk hybrid radio station, and this caused some confusion in the marketplace as to our identity. Were we a music station that talked too much, or a talk station that played too many songs? I've always loved music and talking, so for me personaly the ambiguity was just fine. However, people eat at Mickey D's because they know how the french fries are going to taste. Consistency is something any customer-based industry must embrace.

So, a few weeks ago we started playing more music in the morning. It reminded me of my young, carefree, and naive days at Rollins' radio station and my early time at the other station I worked for before O-Rock. The only difference was that we had shifted from what we were doing and there are two people working with me now as opposed to flying solo. Our boss, who is also new to this, prepared us for the move to more music as best he could...but without actually diving in and experiencing it, I don't know what he could have told us that would have helped any more or less.

I don't know if I would be doing this even halfway-proficiently if Savannah wasn't as supportive as she is. I wanted to work with her for years because of the comedic chemistry that we share...but in addition to that, as her friend, I know I've got someone who will be honest with me but have my back each and every morning. She's been thrust into something that is FAR outside her radio comfort zone, but she's taking direction and keeping an open mind like a true champ. There's so much to love about her, but her providing a foundation for me during this next phase of the show has earned her my lifelong devotion.

I hoped that a handful of people would be at least marginally disappointed that they weren't hearing as much of us as they had become accustomed to. To be frank, I feared that we would be overwhelmed with calls saying things like "thank God you idiots are finally shutting up and playing music!" I'm not saying that we haven't received any calls like that (some suspiciously coming from my parents' phone number), but the amount of people who have called to make sure we still have jobs and want to know what they can do to "make things go back to the way they were" has been immensely appreciated. Like I said, people tend to resist change...and especially in those first few hours of the day, a sudden interruption in our routine sends us out of our comfort zone.

I've had people ask if I'm happy about what we're doing now at O-Rock 1059. Without hesitation, the answer is a resounding yes. What we're doing now is solidifying our identity as an alternative radio station that plays the good new stuff and a bunch of old-school classics. For me, the enjoyment of music radio has always been the unpredictability factor. Oh, sure, you know you're going to hear Daughtry, Nickelback, and the Chili Peppers...because like it or not, they're 3 of the top-selling acts in the US right now. But in addition to playing the hits for the masses, we'll bust out some old Sublime, Smashing Pumpkins, Beasties, or even one of the many one-hit wonders of the 90's. I don't know what it is about 90's pop, but I frigging love the one-hitters. Stroke 9, Harvey Danger, The Flys, Wheatus...being able to play that on the radio is a great way to make a living.

I think the missing element for this radio station I've come to love, live, and breathe is a consistent identity. If hits to our website and crowds at appearances are any measuring stick, the personalities at O-Rock 1059 have cultivated a sizeable following. In less than 2 hours at Big Belly, where I've done weekly appearances for over two years, a couple hundred party people will once again pack the place in order to drink, be merry, and win free stuff from us. Scott, our afternoon guy, brings the noise to Friendly Confines 2 every Thursday night and it's out of control. My point is, what we've been doing so far on the streets is definitely working.
So, we're playing more music than we ever have. 3 times a day, we go for 105 minutes, 9 seconds without interrupting the music with commercials. It's challenging for me to find stuff to talk about and whittle it down so it flows with the music, but again...I love a challenge. I also love being able to play great music. This is what will allow us to pick our corporation's pockets for some advertising money and begin to not just compete in the market...but to f*cking win. When Orlando realizes that they can turn to us for some compelling content, great free stuff (like this week's White Stripes trip to Alaska), and songs that stand out...well, I'll just say that it'll feel really good to finally see O-Rock billboards and television commercials.

If you are a fan of the stuff you used to hear us do on the air, you should definitely check out our website. We have been taking phone calls and talking to people off the air, and putting most of it up on our "sounds" section of It's kinda like a DIY approach to streaming and podcasting, but 20% more effective when it comes to fighting plaque. Thanks for your support, time, and effort in reading this massive missive.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Our New Hot Traffic Babe!

We at the Morning After Show are very sad to see our good friend and traffic reporter Kid Cruise go on to another job...but we are simply overjoyed to welcome the lovely, vivacious, and HOT Michelle Wargo! I suggested that she call herself "MichelleWargodotcom" to push traffic to her website...and so you can see just how babe-a-licious she is...go HERE and check out her photos. Nice!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Why I Love O-Rock 1059, Orlando's Alternative

Complete creative control of this blog, for one reason. They pretty much let me write whatever I want and I never get static about it. Also, we are playing some bad-ass music right now. I got to start things off at 5:19 this morning with a double-shot/multiple-O of Smashing Pumpkins. You know how certain songs are transcendent in that you can remember not only where you were when you heard it first, but how you were feeling and the weather outside? That's "Siva" for me, the first of the 2. The first time I heard it was when I was volunteering at Rollins College's radio station. I think another DJ had played it for me and it was love at first listen. I immediately went out and bought my own copy of "Gish", the Pumpkins' first CD and wore that sucker out. I was young, my first marriage hadn't yet turned to sh*t, and Nirvana had started a mainstream revolution against crappy pop music.

The song "Siva" is a voyage in itself. With Corgan's vocals going from droning to delicate, Chamberlain pounding the drums like an animal, and D'arcy's pre-addiction basswork on point...this song represents to me what the early Smashing Pumpkins were all about. I turned it up almost as loud as I could without causing Scott and Erica to break into our studio and cause me bodily harm.

The second song was the new single, "Tarantula." I don't know if it's the song itself that I like or if it's just the fact that the band is back together, but either way it was fantastic to start the day with the old and new Smashing Pumpkins bookended together like that. The new CD "Zeitgeist" comes out next month and I know they're playing a handful of dates in California this summer. I need to rectify the fact that I've never seen them live. I had 2 chances. One was at the Lollapalooza that got rained out (Volusia County Fairgrounds, curse you!) that only had the best collective of bands EVER. In addition to Corgan and co., that Lollapalooza featured Beastie Boys, Tribe Called Quest, Cypress Hill, and Sonic Youth. All in my top ten bands of all time. I'm not bitter, though. It's as if God him/herself thwarted me from this concert by bringing down rain and collapsing the stage. Why? Who knows.

The other time I should have seen the Smashing Pumpkins, they were playing at The Edge in Orlando. I had tickets and was on my way there and two dudes got into a bidding war for my tickets on our way walking down Livingston. When it got to a hundred bucks for the 2 tickets that cost me nothing, I had to make that deal. In retrospect...dumb move. At the time...a hundred bucks could buy quite a bit for a waiter.

Another reason for me to love O-Rock 1059 is the return of Tijuana Flats. We've kinda switched up the way the Morning After Show is run, in case you couldn't tell. We have to be a lot quicker and getting guests on the air isn't as simple and casual as it used to be. Coming from a talk background, I'm finding myself in new territory when it comes to producing and keeping things tight. I have to say that I was majorly impressed with the job that Ashley and Carlee did this morning. They not only brought great food, gifts, and hot sauce...but they did a phenomenal job with us in studio this morning and Tijuana Flats got a lot of love from The Morning After Show. Win-win.

The Smashing Pumpkins double-shot (Silent Rob calls them "twin spins") was just one of the many gems we had today on our show. We also played Radiohead's "High and Dry" and Spacehog's "In the Meantime," both during the 6:00 hour! I really like that new Fictionplane (that kid sounds just like Daddy Sting!), the new Finger Eleven, and Brand New's sound made me want to go out and buy their CD. We couldn't do this without your support and I hope you are into what you hear on O-Rock 1059...Orlando's Alternative!

So, what's with all the music?

We've been receiving a lot of phone calls lately from people saying things like "hey, I just got back in town and now you guys are playing a lot more music. What's up with that?" Well, it's your damned fault for going out of town! That made us switch up everything. Don't do it again! But seriously, here's why you're hearing more music than ever before on O-Rock 1059. We are returning to our roots as a kickass rock radio station! There's nothing diabolical, evil, or even remotely bad about it. We get to play more and better music than any other radio station in town and we love it. For those of you who have been so good to call us and say you miss us talking and taking phone calls...well, you're in luck. All the great stuff you got accustomed to hearing on O-Rock 1059 can be found in the "sounds" part of our Morning After Show page on Thank you so much for your phone calls and emails, and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any additional questions. What we do is so enjoyable because you interact with us...and we have absolutely no plans on stopping that anytime soon. Peace!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Holy Crap!

Nancy Grace from CNN might be just a little uptight. She was doing a segment on Paris Hilton when her producers decided to have some fun with her. Click here if you want to start your day with a big laugh!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Proud to be an American...

"...and representing the United States of America in this year's Miss Universe pageant..."

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tomorrow (Wednesday) on the Morning After Show!

Have you ever had a gut feeling turn out to be right on target? When I first heard the story about the dude who fell overboard from a cruise ship (his cabin-mate was a young teenage boy), I knew something was not quite right. According to this story, the "man overboard" went on several cruises with several different young teenage boys. Creepy!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

National Recognition!

Has any O-Rock 1059 personality (no, Stern doesn't count) ever graced the pages of People Magazine's website? The answer is now a resounding "HELL YEAH!" Click here to read the article about Drew Garabo's role in breaking Scott Stapp's email to the media.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Scott Stapp Speaks

In case you've missed the latest installment in the drama that seems to follow my friend Scott Stapp, here's a link to today's "Taking Names" blog on the Orlando Sentinel's website. Thanks for the mention, Mr. Maxwell, and keep up the great work!


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Silent Rob

Okay, Silent Rob is going off the deep end. I know he only reads this blog every once in a while, so I'm gonna take the chance that he won't see this. Yesterday, homeboy put on a BLONDE PARIS HILTON WIG AND A DRESS AND STOOD ON 436 IN ALTAMONTE SPRINGS WITH A SIGN THAT SAID "FREE PARIS"! What the hell is going on with him? Mr. Bob told me and Savannah not to bring up the Paris situation at all on OR off the air around Rob. I don't know what happened to make Captain Dungeon a Paris-lover and apologist...but there are some strange goings-on in the head of Silent Rob right now. Check us out on the show to see what goes down.

What's Going On?

Turn it up! It's Tuesday and you can join me and the Sexy Savannah at Ker's Winghouse on Vine Street in Kissimmee from 5 to 7 this evening. 2-4-1 draft beers and well drinks, O-Rock concert tickets and prizes, and hot Winghouse girls await your arrival. Here's how you find the place.

Tomorrow morning, your name could be read if you've stopped by one of the four Metro PCS locations where you can register for our PROJEKT REVOLUTION trip to Chicago! You can get a chance to be hooked up for free to see Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, Taking Back Sunday, Saosin, and HIM just by stopping by the Metro PCS in the International Diamond Plaza on Sand Lake, Casselton Corners in Winter Park, Hiawassee Plaza on West Colonial, or the Rainbow Plaza in Kissimmee. It's free to register, and while you're there I would recommend that you take advantage of the phenomenal offers that you'll find from Metro PCS!

Tomorrow evening, you really should make it a point to check out Orlando's ORIGINAL Nickel Beer! Big Belly has been off the chain lately, packed with party people! If you want to be where downtown Orlando's best crowd hangs out, make tomorrow night your first night to hang at the Belly. I personally know of a whole bunch of hot teachers whose last day of school was today...they'll be ready to get crazy and blow off some steam. If you're trivia-inclined, get there early and get your hands on a playmaker to compete against me and Silent Rob for some great O-Rock 1059 concert tickets!

American Pie Pizza Company is about to unveil the 29-inch challenge! If you and a buddy can house a huge 29-inch pizza in one sitting, it's gonna be free! Check out the Morning After Show for details and see if me and Savannah really can get through one of these bad boys. American Pie Pizza Company is growing like crazy and we're proud to be a part of their family. Check out the brand-new locations in Sanford near the Town Centre, Oviedo on Red Bug and Mitchell Hammock, Hunter's Creek, and by the Orlando International Airport on 436...but don't forget about my boy Billy at College Park, Don at Altamonte Springs (in the Wal-Mart Plaza), Clermont, and Winter Garden.

Savannah and I have been blown away by the results of one of our newest and dearest clients. Ariel, Shannon, and the staff of Fusion Fitness are running things like onion rings and they have us looking, eating, and feeling great. Savannah looks better than she ever has and I've lost over ten pounds in just a few months thanks to pilates and Ariel's diet recommendations. Pilates is something I knew nothing about, but now that I've been doing them twice a week for a few months...I love it! Give Ariel or Shannon a call at 407-804-6005 and start feeling great about your body.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Racist Humor On Your Radio

My early influences when it comes to humor aren't the same as most people's influences. When I was far too young, I stole listens to my dad's comedy record albums from Flip Wilson, George Carlin, Redd Foxx, and Richard Pryor. I can't lie and say that I got every joke, but after hearing the bits so many times I figured out (for the most part) where the comedy was.
From there, I followed the path of offensive humor to each and every edition of "Truly Tasteless Jokes" and "Gross Jokes." I remember getting "The Big Ethnic Joke Book" confiscated in elementary school, which was a true shame at the time because that tome went so far as to designate a separate chapter for each minority. Everybody got a chapter, from Gays to Blacks, Jews to Polacks, and even the handicapped.
When I think about some of those jokes now, I cringe. When I think of some of the things I've said during my 15-year run behind the microphone, I wipe my brow in relief that I still get a paycheck. Now, more than ever, the voice of racial inequality is demanding to be heard. Broadcasters can no longer hide behind characters or bits to make racist "jokes." Don Imus shamelessly calling the Rutgers ladies "nappy headed ho's" was to racial humor what Janet Jackson's boob was to broadcasting indecency as a whole. One chief difference, however, was that Janet Jackson hasn't exactly made her career out of pushing indecency. Imus, from what I know of him and his show, has a history of letting some genuine-sounding prejudice ooze onto his airwaves.
I have to add as a disclaimer that I've only heard Don Imus a handful of times. As a longtime Stern fan, I have only been exposed to him through Howard bashing him and the occasional/accidental channel flip to see his gruesome visage on some NBC derivative. I've read enough news stories to know that he's not the most open-minded individual when it comes to accepting other races and ways of thinking. When I heard his fateful NCAA basketball-related comment, I felt the same way I felt after taking phone calls on the air the day after the Janet Superbowl. I knew a change was a-comin'.
It's here. A prank call to a Chinese restaurant claimed the victim known as the Doghouse with JV and Elvis. Former fellow CBS employees. Another radio guy used the phrase "Jewish Black Guy" to call someone cheap. Goodbye to you. Opie and Anthony, fellow CBS employees, may very well be off XM for good due to a bit they ran that included Condoleeza Rice getting raped.
With the Federal Communications Commission armed with a 250K fine per indecent incident AND Al Sharpton's posse (I can still write that, yeah?) on the hunt for racist jokes, it's not the time to be pushing envelopes. There is more of a burden than ever before for radio hosts to create compelling, funny, and I dare say "edgy" content without putting themselves (or their companies) in harm's way. Despite what you might think or hear radio callers say, this is not a First Amendment Issue. No matter what our job title is, we all have the right to express ourselves freely by speaking or writing. However, when you sign a contract to a corporation and advertising is sold on the radio show you produce...that particular speech isn't exactly protected as "free."
Howard Stern actually said it best on his show today: "You want freedom of speech? Go stand in a closet and talk." His show is on satellite radio and he takes full advantage of the lax indecency standards. I haven't heard his show since he moved it from terrestrial radio, but not a show goes by for which I haven't read the re-cap (kept online by an amazingly-attentive fan). Since the move to satellite, the language and show content has either evolved or descended past the boundaries of taste. Still, he realizes that if he finds himself out of favor with major advertisers...he'll suffer a similar misfortune as the above-mentioned radio dudes.
I'm not about to turn this into a confessional so I can unburden myself of my previous proclivity for racial humor. I wouldn't be so dumb as to even admit to one even slightly-offensive joke, especially with the current state of affairs. I will simply say that even though I may have previously found humor in feeding into stereotypes, I can see why and how the time has come to put an end to the venom, hatred, and sheer ignoranced that has contributed to the racial divide in this country.
Hypocrite? Your momma. The time has come to take necessary steps to bring us closer together as a people. All this brouhaha has forced me to challenge myself and what I find funny. Why should it be funny to make a joke about a black man stealing your wallet or a Jew being cheap? Is there anything funny about being a homosexual in an era where gays are still beaten and killed?
Don't misunderstand me...I think one can make jokes about other types of people without wanting to consciously discriminate against them. I am also not so myopic that I think everyone who makes a "black joke" truly sees them as equals. I will make an occasional joke with my General Manager at work, a stately African-American gentleman who has taught me an indescribable amount professionally and personally. The nature of our humor is good, but I know that there is a line there somewhere. My point is, even when I may have crossed that line I think Earnest can tell that I am more fascinated by our difference in color than bothered by it.
But can he? Deep down inside, how does it make him feel to hear a white boy who has lived a pretty damn easy life poke fun at the racial stereotypes he's dealt (and still deals) with? Had I been born an African-American, I know I wouldn't want to hear even a playful joke at the expense of my people who were brought here on slave ships. I can't even begin to speak for White America, but I can honestly state that I have heard from far too many people who forget that well into the 1950s there were separate hotels, restaurants, and drinking fountains in the good old U.S. of A. If I had a dime for every "I just wish they'd get over it" that's called me on the radio, I would be set for life.
That's where the root of the controversy is, by the way. The backlash against Imus getting fired stems from a vocal contingent of white people who just don't get it. They feel like they weren't directly responsible for slavery, they don't understand why there's a BET "but if we had White Entertainment Television there would be a riot", and they're not even remotely concerned if a white American broadcaster wants to use his forum to spew ignorant and intolerant rhetoric. Rather than bother to actually think about any points Al Sharpton might have, these people point the finger of racism at him in an attempt to discredit the Reverend.
The Reverend Al Sharpton has indeed made it his life mission, apparently, to be the "voice of the black community." Can you blame him? I sure as hell can't. Sure, he's controversial and brash. He seems to find any media opportunity within a 50-mile radius. He preaches to anyone who'll listen. What the hell is wrong with that? He's doing it all to make sure that people who have been the victims of discrimination can at least have the chance to be heard! I can't say that I fall in line with everything that he says, but at least he's used his position in this life to stand up for what he believes in. Even though my current career landscape has changed due to his crackdown, I have to say that I generally like what Al Sharpton is all about.
I definitely didn't intend for this to read like a case study in sociology. I know that you might read this and think I'm some sort of white apologist trying to unburden myself of some guilt. I'm not. For my first ten years or so, my only exposure to African-Americans was through music, entertainment, or sports. Then we moved down to Orlando a few houses down from Meke (pronounced "Mickey") Smith and his family. We were only a year apart, so we started playing ball together and I would end up at his house talking to his family. I finally got to know someone of a different race and found out that there are many ways in which we as people are alike, yet a few ways in which we couldn't be more different. I would never be so bold as to say I completely grasped what it was like to be Black In America, but the Smith family opened my eyes more than a little.
Fast-forward through the years. No, "some of my best friends" haven't been black, but I can honestly say I never rejected or accepted a friend based on their race. I still find Richard Pryor's old stuff some of the funniest comedy I've ever had the pleasure to hear. Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock carried his legacy and even improved upon it. The "cracker crowd" even has the Blue Collar guys when they want to laugh it up about fishin' and NASCAR. Stern hits the paid-for airwaves on Satellite four days a week and flies his finger in the face of the FCC. A bunch of guys are out of work because they ignored the winds of change when it comes to the current comedy culture in our country.
Is it fair that these guys, most with families to feed, have lost their livelihood? Yeah, actually. As someone who is not offended by humor so much as genuine racist tendencies, I think we've put too many ingredients into the stew of hatred we've been brewing for far too long. Think about the people you know who still make racist jokes or use that "N" word. If they were in a position to hire one candidate or another and race was the defining factor, what do you think would happen? When you say you "Jew" someone down a few bucks, does it even occur to you that you're projecting disdain on a people who has seen millions executed in concentration camps?
Again I run the risk of appearing to try to have my cake and eat it, too. I have been exposed to and immersed in such language and humor for my entire adult life. For the first time, I'm forced to think about why stereotypical humor has been funny to me and others. These ways in which we observe and joke about minorities, domestic violence, whatever...why do we laugh the hardest when the joke is the "wrongest"? Is it our nature as people to laugh at what shocks us?
So many questions. I'll gratefuly close this barrage of verbosity by saying that I don't fear the executioner's blade of employment termination any more or less than I did before the Imus Incident. I wondered aloud on the air today if it was still permissible for me to observe that of all the DHL delivery drivers, as opposed to UPS or FedEx, I don't know that I've ever seen a "caucasian" driver. The phones lit up, Savannah said I was going to get in trouble, and we got some good tongue-in-cheek laughs about the state of racial humor. Earnest seemed to get a good laugh out of it; good times were had by most.
Then, after the show an unnamed-employee tells me that this particular delivery service has more lax hiring standards and doesn't let things like felonies get in the way of a qualified applicant. This causes me to ponder the situation even more deeply than before. Does this mean, then, that white people don't commit as many...ahhhh, forget that. I'm not even going there.

Friday, May 11, 2007

So, we're doing this contest for "Moms That Rock" where listeners can email us with reasons why their mom rocks in order to win some great stuff from Habana Grill, Bentley's Bouquets, and other great sponsors. We got some really good responses...but none as thorough, hilarious, and disturbing as this one from Kristina in Orlando:

8. Why does your mom rock?: Well first off, my mother is an amazing women. She is a single mom with 2 daughters. (Myself, a junior in college and my sister, 26, who still lives at home -- dealing with her is an accomplishment in itself). Her only reason for living is to make sure my sister and I are happy and successful. She will do any and everything to accomplish that just that. My mother rocks because she is ballsy. Well to begin with, she is probably the oldest women to be kicked out of “The Holy Land Experience” for looking “suspicious”. (I understand this might not sound ‘rockin’ to some but its a great story) My mother is a member of the National Atheist Assoc. and was put on assignment to cover this new theme park that has caused much controversy. So her and a friend drove from Ft. Lauderdale (where we are from) to Orlando in hopes of coming up with a great story. Dressed in her usual all black, with her long black hair and red finger nails, my mother and her friend walked around the park for hours. Seeing as though they stuck out like very sore thumbs, they were followed the entire time by curious security guards asking them “What are you doing here?”, “Who told you to come here?”, “Who sent you?”. So obviously their presence alone was unnerving. Eventually, after chuckling during a recreation of Jesus' crusification, they were asked to leave and escorted out of the park. Needless to say they were able to get a great story of their “Holy Land Experience”. My mother rocks because she is fearless. Another reason my mother rocks is because at the age of 48, she is the only mother I know who was almost arrested for jumping a fence at a Pearl Jam concert in West Palm Beach. My mother is oddly OBSESSED with Pearl Jam. I’m talking has a Pearl Jam lyric book, every single CD/DVD and has been to every since South Florida performance they’ve had since I was born (And more than willing to pay any amount for front row seats.) Growing up in a primarily conservative suburb of Ft. Lauderdale, I was the only 8 year old who could sing every song off of the “Ten” album. Instead of family trips to Disney, we’d go to concert and festivals all around South Florida. One time in particular, my mother (along with about 15 other Pearl Jam fan club members) took a party bus to a concert of theirs in West Palm. Due to insane traffic, this hour drive was taking almost three. Once on the actual site, the lines getting in were insane but everyone was conte nt partying on the bus but my mom. While the bus was stopped in traffic, my mother jumped out of the bus and started making her way to the concert. Once at the gates, my mom realized she had forgotten her ticket on the bus. Being a little on the intoxicated side, she thought it was a great idea to just jump the fence. So after sneaking around to the side of the Coral Sky Ampitheater, her friend hoisted her up. Being at the top of the fence, my mother’s pants got stuck to the wire are ripped on her way down the other side. Mean while, a police officer was watching them and ran towards the fence while my mother was nearly dangling. Thankfully, she was able to regroup herself and ran into the sea of fans to disguise herself. Later on the same officer spotted her and attempted to arrest her but she protested claiming he had the wrong person and was eventually left alone. My mother rocks because she is grateful. To show my mother rocks even more, at that same concert (seeing as though she had left her ticket on the bus) she was able to sneak all the way to the front of the venue and befriended a nice man in the handicap section who let her stay up front the entire show. While on stage, Eddie Veder was blowing up black balloons and throwing them into the crowd. Being so close my mother was able to snag one and then gave it to her new handicap friend to thank him for this kind hospitality. (They still talk to this day) My mother rocks because she rocks! For my first solo concert experience with my mother, I was 15 years old and about to go see Goldfinger in West Palm Beach with some friends. Seeing as though I wasn’t old enough to drive, same goes for my friends, we had no way of getting to the show. Explaining this dilemma to my mother, she explained that she had to work late and was unable to help out. This obviously sucked and I was left with 5 friends, in my Goldfinger shirt and a ticket in my hand...or so I thought. At around 5:00pm, I get a knock on my front door. Being completely and utterly devastated about the concert, I dragged myself to the door and was greeted by a man in a suit. Highly confused he introduced himself as my driver for the night. I then looked in my driveway and saw a stretch limo waiting for my friends and I. My mother had hired a limo driver for the night to take us an hour north to WPB, Denny’s after the concert and then home. Needless to say my first “big girl ” concert without my mom was one to remember forever. Granted, my mother may not seem like your typical mom and stuff she does may seem to some as too extreme but that’s what makes her who she is. She is a free spirit with a heart of gold. She’s the type of person with a contagious smile and laugh that is addicting. If I can grow up and be half the woman she is, I think I’d do alright. And that is why my mom rocks!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Channel 6 did a great story about a "dead zone" on our very own I-4. Click here for the photo slideshow that accompanies the story we talked about this morning on The Morning After Show!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The 69 With Henry Rollins!

Legendary punk-rocker and icon Henry Rollins will be kicking off The 69 tomorrow (Thursday) morning! In addition to being a great interview/storyteller and human being, Henry actually responds to his email and has managed to stay relevant well into his 40s. If you haven't caught The 69 yet, it's 60 minutes, 9 songs, all 90s. We've busted out some gems thus far in our first week of giving you music to enjoy at work or home, including the Fugees, Big Audio Dynamite 2, and Third Eye Blind.

In keeping with our marketing strategy (myspace or nothing at all), I'd like to encourage as many of you as possible to create a myspace profile for The 69. All you have to do is include our catchphrase (60 minutes, 9 songs, all 90s) and put whatever pictures myspace will allow. If you want to highlight some of the bands, memories of the 1990s, movies, Savannah, or whatever....please feel free. I know, you're thinking "what will I win for my effort?"

You shameless bum. How dare you! In all seriousness, we have been given a ton of really cool stuff from April and Andy in Promotions lately...and American Pie Pizza Company gave me a TON of free pizza cards. So...ask yourself: is it worth a potential free delicious pizza pie to spend a few stolen minutes at work to create a myspace profile for The 69? Clearly, the answer is yes. Email when you're done and let me know where we can find your piece of online art. Thanks as always for listening!

Rich Eisen, guest on the Morning After Show!

From, Rich Eisen of the NFL network has found himself in the middle of a brouhaha. A super-hot news anchor in Philly sent 7 bikini photos to him...but she didn't know that Rich shares the email account with his wife. Oops. Here's what all 3 of them look like. If you were Rich, would you upgrade to wife v2.0?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Mom Jeans!

So, this morning on the show we were discussing the epidemic of "mom jeans." 42% of people responding to a survey said they are dissatisfied with the way their butt looks! Here is a link to a youtube gem about "mom jeans." Enjoy!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Green Day Fans!

You really haven't lived until you've heard Jesus of Suburbia covered by a 7-year-old Japanese kid who is learning English. Thanks to YouTube, you can witness the brilliance firsthand! Make sure your speakers are on, you're not near Billie Joe, and click here!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Got it bad...again...

Female Sex Predators are, in Savannah's words, "taking it back." The latest one is a teacher from Titusville...she got caught with a sixteen-year-old boy in a van in a CHURCH PARKING LOT! Channel 9's website provided us with her mugshot and myspace pictures. Here's the link!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Superhero Falls From Grace

You know it's going to be a great day for news stories when you read the headline "Doctor dressed as Captain America arrested with burrito in his pants." Here's the unlucky fella...wonder what substance could have made him want to put a burrito in his tights?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Alec of the year!

Our good friend Perez Hilton posted a phone message from Alec Baldwin to his 11-year-old daughter that is shocking. Here is a link to it. It'll make you feel like a better parent than Alec, even if you don't have any kids!

15 Minutes Are Up!

It's finally on youtube...Drew Garabo's television broadcasting debut! CLICK HERE to see it and laugh!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Video from the Virginia Tech Shooter

Okay, so we talked about it all morning long...and here's the link to the excerpt of the video mailed to NBC News by the Va Tech Shooter.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

More Perspective on the Virginia Tech Massacre

Before I had a kid, I had no idea how much work and worrying it would be. Becoming a father has given me an entirely new perspective on just about everything, from discipline to nutrition. One of the first thoughts that entered my mind upon hearing about the Virginia Tech massacre was empathy for all the parents of kids who attended that school. Imagine that you do your best to keep your infant, then toddler, then adolescent, etc. out of harm's way. You make it through all the bumps and bruises, broken bones and broken hearts. You somehow manage to navigate the turbulent sea of puberty without too many emotional scars. You achieve the goal of getting your kid to college so he or she can learn to sprout wings and fly on his/her own...and then, just when you think everything's going to work out just fine...a crazed gunman takes your love away from you. Just like that.

The grief and horror a parent must feel in that situation is unimaginable. Last night, when my wife got home from work, the 3 of us just played in the backyard and felt lucky to enjoy each others' company. The weather was picture-perfect...sunny and clear, but a blustery breeze kept it just on the comfortable side of cool. At just under four years old, Xander's not nearly mature enough to handle a discussion about what happened yesterday morning. His mother and I try our hardest to steer him from dangerous situations, but he's definitely a risk-taker. Not a day goes by in which we don't have to admonish him for something like jumping from a too-high slide, running where he's not supposed to, or engaging in countless other daredevil activities.

Anytime a tragedy strikes, I try to challenge myself to find a positive. Some instances like Sept. 11, 2001, are nearly completely devoid of a silver lining. When I hear about more than 30 students being gunned down in cold blood on a Monday morning, I can't help but again feel like I'm so fortunate to have such a marvelous young boy for a child. Sure, it's scary as hell to think about what could happen to him today, tomorrow, next week, or next decade...but all I can do is the best I can do to help him learn what he needs to know to be a great man.

I also can't help but think about all the crazy callers I've talked to through my years in Orlando radio. Some I've laughed with, some at. I feel like I've perhaps helped a handful of them by giving them someone to talk to when they had nobody else. I don't know that I've always tried my hardest to be sufficiently compassionate, but I can vow to start today. Even after almost fifteen years of caller-interactive radio in this city, I still try to put a human soul to every voice I hear. Even those who call to insult me or the show are doing so because they want or need validation in some way, shape, or form. Anyone can hurl invective, engage in verbal sparring, or simply hang up on "a caller from hell," but who can hear the warning signs of serious peril?

I like to think that I can. Some of the most rewarding moments I've ever had have been hanging up with a caller-in-need and truly feeling like I've helped to make a difference. Whether it's offering advice or feedback or simply a listening ear, I strive to be accessible and supportive to nearly everyone. In the broadcasting profession, where so much is about dollar signs and ratings points, I still find it vital to be available to anyone who needs me. It shouldn't take a national tragedy to serve as a reminder...but I would be lying if I said it didn't at least shake me up and plant that thought in my head that one of my primary objectives is to serve the public interest. If I can reel someone back in to the world rather than allow them to drift off into lunacy, it is time well spent as far as I'm concerned.

When we, as the Morning After Show, call ourself the "most interactive show in the history of man," we mean it. We don't screen out any of our phone calls, except in extreme cases (young kids, people who have already been on the air that day, our bosses) simply because we enjoy hearing from as many people as possible on any given morning. If there's ever something on your mind, you can always rely on us at 407-919-1059 between 5:30 and 10 AM, Monday through Friday. If you feel like nobody else wants to listen to your crazy ass, might be right. However, we will not only listen to you but we might actually give you a nugget of insight that could help you turn your frown upside down. Or, at the very least, take your personal trauma and help it become compelling radio. Either way, nobody loses and nobody gets hurt.

Nothing's Shocking

So, today we obviously spent a great deal of time talking about the Virginia Tech Massacre. It's unavoidable that people want to share their opinions, lay blame, search for a reason, or simply sound off. When I read President Bush's comments about being "shocked" and "saddened" by the loss of so many young lives, I couldn't hold my tongue. This is a President who invaded a foreign country and put thousands of young lives at risk...and for what? To fight terrorism? Oil? To finish the job his dad left incomplete? I know there is no comparison between what happened at Virginia Tech and our troops dying in Iraq...but like Savannah said this morning, when I hear our President speak of the loss of young lives it turns my stomach. So far, we've lost well over 3000 of our troops in the interest of "restoring freedom to Iraq." I don't feel any you? I wish I could say I was more shocked by the school shooting...but like so many Americans, nothing shocks me anymore. On September 11, 2001, when I saw that second plane fly into the ability to be shocked flew out the window. I then realized that evil comes in many forms, shapes, sizes, and colors. Since then, nothing really shocks me. I'm sad for the families of the students and faculty who lost their lives...and indeed, I do shake my head in amazement by the ways of the world...but I can't honestly say I'm shocked.

Magic Girls!

CODE BLUE! CODE BLUE! The Orlando Magic are in the NBA Playoffs for the first time since 2003! Go to or call 1-800-4NBATIX to get your playoff tickets! Here are some pictures of the lovely ladies from the Magic who stopped by your Morning After Show on Tuesday!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Even More Interactive...Could Streaming Be Far Behind?

Yes, streaming could be far behind. However, LIVE CHAT is up and running on the right side of your screen at . From what I've seen so far, O-Rock personalities outnumber civilians by at least 9-to-1. It's free and easy, and it's a fantastic way to get your song heard, opinion read, or at least giggle when your curse words become ***** right before your eyes.

What about streaming, you may/should be asking? We've been promised a complete upgrade to all our equipment which would lend itself to streaming our content online. The timetable is a little fuzzy, and by "fuzzy" I mean "it's been off so many times I'm embarrassed to even bring it up." However, you know we pride ourselves on being send us email, call us, and now...CHAT WITH US about how it's still not over for Daughtry or if the guy in Hinder will end up kissing those Lips of an Angel.

MUST-SEE O-ROCK 1059 SHOW tomorrow night at the House of Blues as Flaming Lips come to town. If you miss this show, you'll be all like "man, I shouldn't have missed that show." I swear.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Live Earth!

Huge concert announcement this morning on The Morning After Show! Kevin Wall, the guy behind the Live 8 concert, announced the NYC and London lineups for LIVE EARTH, happening on 7/7/7 on all 7 continents! We're talking Chili Peppers, Beastie Boys, Madonna, AFI, and a whooooole lot more! Check out for more info about this massive, world-wide, 24-hour concert! It'll be in the US at Giants Stadium!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Don't get hoodwinked out of the Bamboozle!

I just thought it would be prudent to remind you that this is the last week we'll be drawing names for the Bamboozle. All you have to do is go to and register your name. It's free. Then, even if you're sleeping at 7:10 AM when we read your name...chances are good that someone you know will hit you up and say "HEY! They're calling your name on O-Rock 1059 and you have ten minutes to call in!" Then, you spring into action and get yourself on the standby list for Flight 1059 to see My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, Weird Al, MC Hammer, and 67 other bands including Jacksonville's Whole Wheat Bread! Don't delay, register today and good luck.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Blog Awareness

If you're reading this blog, hopefully you're also reading my myspace blog. If not, here's a link to the newest entry!


100 Years Old!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Bunnies and Killers!

We have one of the last pairs of tickets to the O-Rock 1059 4/20 Celebration with The Killers at the UCF Arena! We will be giving them away tomorrow; they'll likely be attached to the blue belly of a bunny! Listen to The Morning After Show tomorrow to find out how you might be able to catch that wascally wabbit and see the KILLERS at this sold-out O-Rock 1059 SHOW!

Sweep The Leg!

No More Kings frontman PETE was good enough to visit our palacial O-Rock studios...his band is a fun rock band. HERE is the link for his band's awesome video featuring the cast of Karate Kid! Great stuff!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad...I'm hot for teacher...

Here's the Brevard County teacher accused of carrying on a sexual relationship with a HIGH SCHOOL student! She was also the JV cheerleading coach. Hot or not?

Monday, April 2, 2007

Kermit "Hurt" Video!

You must click here to behold the magic of the's Kermit the Frog covering Johnny Cash covering Trent Reznor's "Hurt." Not for the faint of heart!
Couldn't you just BARF? Kurt Cobain, wherever he is, is breathing a sigh of relief that he doesn't have to wake up next to Courtney looking like this:

Friday, March 30, 2007

Make Love Not War!

Some pictures just speak for themselves. All I wanted was to be left alone and I got a bad karaoke version of my least favorite Beastie Boys song. Still, I have to admit, you have to love the effort of the Messica. I can't bring myself to hate her nearly as much as I want to, even if the look on my face says something different.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Genocide Girls!

So, we're lucky enough to have really hot and cool girls visit us quite often. These are three of them. Today, we decided we're going to call them the original Genocide Girls. If you think you've got what it takes to join their squad, email It wouldn't hurt to attach a picture!

Heather and Christina...they made out for Tool tickets. Now they're known as our GENOCIDE GIRLS. Not because they endorse genocide, but because they're more dangerous than suicide girls. Hotter, too!

Michelle...the dominatrix of the Genocide Girls

oooh...nice panties!
Quite a cute little tushy, huh?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Get Your Hands on Savannah's Boobies!

So...after liberating Sexy Savanna's Sweaty Sports Bra from the O-Rock 1059 Kia, eBay seemed like the next logical step. Wouldn't you love to bid on this piece of memorabilia from your favorite morning show? Please help us live up to our reputation as the most interactive radio show in the history of man by going here and placing your bid. Imagine looking at this

every time you listen to the show? Sexy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

No Freaking WAY!

Click HERE to see the Grand Canyon Skywalk's website. Would you even think about taking a stroll 4000 feet above the canyon floor? Me either!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

YouTube Does It Again

Just when you thought you'd seen everything the interweb had to offer...YouTube comes along and amazes. How about the Smurfs rapping an Eminem song in German? Clicken-zee here, dumbkopf! Danke!

...Then I See Your True Colors Shining Through...

With apologies to those not enamored with Cyndi Lauper, here's a great guide to your proficiency as a lover and how it relates to your favorite color. Or vice-versa. Whatever. Click here!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Another Great Way to Start Your Week!

TMZ-dot-com has weekly features that profile some of celebritydom's steamier side. They decided to start the week off with some famous females in some same-sex smooching. Nothing says "Happy Monday" like some girl/girl romance, right? cLICK here.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Leprechaun Rap!

With St. Patrick's Day just around the corner, we dusted off the infamous Leprechaun story from Mobile, Alabama that was an internet craze about a year ago. Then, we found a phenomenal remix using some soundbites from the Alabamians! Here's a link to it. Turn your sound up!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Another Great Way to Lose Sleep!

We're always trying to keep your kids safe...and we just got this frighteningly-great website forwarded to us today. Click here to do a search of your address and see what pops up. It's an easily-referenceable (if that's a word) map that shows who the sex creeps are in your 'hood. Enjoy!

Monday, March 12, 2007

A Fergalicious Way To Start Your Week!

We normally can't stand paparazzi, but this photograph is above reproach. Josh Duhamel( or whatever the hell his name is) is some actor who has been dating Fergie for a while. He was good enough to "adjust" her bathing suit so the unseen photographers could snap away. Check this out:

Thursday, March 8, 2007


Just a quick update to let you know what's been going on in the world of the Morning After Show. Not much. Thanks, bye!

Just kidding. If you've been listening to the show, you've heard some excited people join the "standby" list for Flight 1059 to Coachella. We've discussed some weighty issues this week, like the pot tots and their delinquent uncle, homelessness, free speech and the "N word", and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Next week, Drew and Savannah begin "Turn It Up Tuesdays" at Ker's Winghouse! It all starts Tuesday the 13th at the Altamonte Winghouse from 5 to 7. Come by and say hello, eat some wings, toss back a few cold ones, and get some free O-Rock 1059 stuff! Keep checking back on this blog for details, photos, inside information, and fun giveaways.

We love you!