Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Nothing's Shocking

So, today we obviously spent a great deal of time talking about the Virginia Tech Massacre. It's unavoidable that people want to share their opinions, lay blame, search for a reason, or simply sound off. When I read President Bush's comments about being "shocked" and "saddened" by the loss of so many young lives, I couldn't hold my tongue. This is a President who invaded a foreign country and put thousands of young lives at risk...and for what? To fight terrorism? Oil? To finish the job his dad left incomplete? I know there is no comparison between what happened at Virginia Tech and our troops dying in Iraq...but like Savannah said this morning, when I hear our President speak of the loss of young lives it turns my stomach. So far, we've lost well over 3000 of our troops in the interest of "restoring freedom to Iraq." I don't feel any safer...do you? I wish I could say I was more shocked by the school shooting...but like so many Americans, nothing shocks me anymore. On September 11, 2001, when I saw that second plane fly into the WTC...my ability to be shocked flew out the window. I then realized that evil comes in many forms, shapes, sizes, and colors. Since then, nothing really shocks me. I'm sad for the families of the students and faculty who lost their lives...and indeed, I do shake my head in amazement by the ways of the world...but I can't honestly say I'm shocked.

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