Wednesday, June 13, 2007
So, what's with all the music?
We've been receiving a lot of phone calls lately from people saying things like "hey, I just got back in town and now you guys are playing a lot more music. What's up with that?" Well, it's your damned fault for going out of town! That made us switch up everything. Don't do it again! But seriously, here's why you're hearing more music than ever before on O-Rock 1059. We are returning to our roots as a kickass rock radio station! There's nothing diabolical, evil, or even remotely bad about it. We get to play more and better music than any other radio station in town and we love it. For those of you who have been so good to call us and say you miss us talking and taking phone calls...well, you're in luck. All the great stuff you got accustomed to hearing on O-Rock 1059 can be found in the "sounds" part of our Morning After Show page on Thank you so much for your phone calls and emails, and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any additional questions. What we do is so enjoyable because you interact with us...and we have absolutely no plans on stopping that anytime soon. Peace!
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Keep doing whatever you be successful on 105.9! Even if its less of you, its still better than none. The podcast is a great alternative for those of us not so hot on the rock, so thanks for the great show!
Don't Stop Believin'!
I don't like the change... and I know a lot of people agree with me. I think it's dumb that they took away you guys along with Jody and Scott... Dumbest thing ever, Carter plays music, Mel plays music... there plenty of hours during the day to play music, but I think the city of Orlando would rather listen to a funny ass talk show when they are driving TO AND FROM work... Nobody enjoys going to work, but when I’m in the car driving to and from work and listening to the OLD O-Rock… I was always in damn good mood. I had nothing but a smile on my face. But hell, that's just my opinion. I don't even like listening to O-Rock anymore… It's boring now. As much I love music... I don't want to hear it all the time. Oh well… some other radio station will take advantage of you guys playing Non-Stop Music and provide interactive radio shows, and maintain enough music to keep everybody happy. Sucks, I’m actually really pissed and depressed at the same time… That’s not easy to do on me, but getting rid of the interactive shows and JODY… really hurt me. Speaking of which… Where the hell did Jody go?? I mean come on now, “GREAT SCOTT”!?!??! how ghey is that…
I’m going to go cry now…
I agree with Ryan a bit. I MISS hearing you in the morning..I listen on the way and at work. Hell, my alarm is set to 105.9. Used to hearing Sexy Savannah's voice wake me up (heh heh). I don't want to sit in front of my computer and listen to the morning after show when I get home.
as much as i like the music played on orock, it's unfortunately not unique to the radio station. what sets the station apart from others are its personalities (isnt your popularity on other stations why you were all hired?). I, like many, fall into the category of commuters who rely on the morning after show for entertainment down i-4. i think overall this was a bad move and i'll probably have to settle on your competition.
I completely agree: I MISS THE MORNING AFTER SHOW! Bryan said "Keep doing whatever you do to be successful on 105.9. Even if its less of you..." That is making your success rapidly deteriorate! You guys need to switch it around: Instead of broadcasting the Morning After Show on the internet and playing non-stop music on the radio, you should go back to broadcasting all of the talk shows on the radio and play non-stop music on the website. I miss you guys!!!!! I just moved here from California last year. I was really sad to leave A.J.'s Playhouse, my favorite morning show in San Diego. But then I started listening to The Morning After Show, and A.J. has nothing on Sexy Savannah, Drew and Silent Rob! And now... you have left all of your loyal listeners. You were just broadcasting to be the "Most Interactive Radio Station in the History of Man" and now you're gone... it is total crap! Not to mention majorly contradicting. And what I wonder is how the hell you are making money, now that you aren't able to make a ton of endorsements due to the constant music.
Please PLEASE please bring the Morning After Show back!
How things used to be:
I would get off of work from the ER, go home, and rather than sleep I would stay up to listen to the MAS. I enjoyed the banter and discussions, and as the show wound down I'd fall asleep entertained.
How things are now:
I get off of work from the ER, go home, hear either lame bitch-rock new music or played out older music, realize it's no different than loading up a playlist on my computer and setting it to random, and switch to the Monsters and fall asleep almost immediately.
I used to listen to O-Rock about 20 hours a week, now I don't even bother. I love ya Drew, have since the nights on TKS, but this isn't you anymore, it's music I've either heard too many times or never wanted to hear in the first place. If they ever let you do talk again, or if you manage to escape to somewhere to do talk radio, I'll be back to listen again. Until then, good luck and don't let them sucker you into thinking this is good radio.
I miss the Old Orock. I used to enjoy listening to you guys on my way to work in the morning. Hell I would remember stuff for the what did you learn today segment. I find myself flipping through the stations when I hear a song come on that I heard before. In a song U already no the outcome. When you guys were talking you never knew what direction it was going to end up. I guess I will just pop in one of my cds and listen to that on my way to work. There is no difference.
So I agree with everyone. the whole station completly sucks now. I used to listen to and from work laughing the whole time. its ashame theres no more morning after show or jody AND scott. And to be honest before the morning after show, my morning talk station to listen to WAS XL106.7 and now that the morning after show is not the great moring after show anymore XL has an old listener back. i wish the station would put back the talk for the few hours a day people get a break from repeated music.
"Just another modern rock station" should be your new slogan. The reason I listened to the Morning After Show EVERY SINGLE DAY from 6:30 to 8:30 wasn't for the same 3 songs by horrible groups like Nickelback, Linkin Park, and Hinder. It was for the personalities of Drew, Savannah, and Rob and the callers. It was ENTERTAINING and FUNNY. Now you have the same crappy music played "non-stop" for 105 minutes. Congrats. I have CDs and an Ipod in my car for a reason, because commercial radio SUCKS the big one nowadays. And the Jody & Scott show being broken up...don't get me started. Complete bullshit. O-Rock just lost a very loyal listener because of your new format. I really hope they switch back soon.
Dear O-Rock Management:
Bad decision! You have squelched three very talented people from doing what they do best....ENTERTAIN! They are being wasted as disk spinning DJ's. They are far more clever, witty, charming, and freakish to be banished to music playing rock jocks. Sure, alternative music jams. But Drew, Savannah and Silent Rob with their spontaneous and clever rhetoric made my day...EVERY day. Now my drive to work every morning is just a crappy experience on I-4. I used to smile, laugh out loud and talk to myself and now it is just a bland 40 minute drive. There is no laugher spawned in my office because they are no longer a boisterous part of my morning. You know the old saying...there is nothing worse than a woman scorned....well this Bitch is Pissed!P.S. From years of business experience, it is usually poor management that causes the demise of a good business. Take heed!
Drew, Sav and SR, have nothing but love for you three, you are all witty, talented, intelligent and entertaining but the new format doesn't work. Not because of your inability to announce music or the music itself but I feel like your talent is going to waste. I'm trying to tune in out of loyalty but I'm turning it down more and more. Hopefully management takes the fans comments seriously, it would be sad to me that you were let go because of their lack of respect for the three of you. Best wishes and hopefully they realize this isn't working and let you go back to doing what you do best and that is TALK!
I don't know who wrote this particular blog, but I have to say the enthusiasm seems rather corporate in nature.
If I wanted to listen to music in the morning, I'd play a CD in my car. I have more control over a CD, and it will play the music I want to hear.
However, what this has forced me to do is to listen to the OTHER morning show, because the morning is the time to listen to a SHOW. Not music, but some funny people making funny comments. Now you guys can't get anything out before you've got to go back to the music.
I can guarantee this won't work out, and whomsoever made this brilliant decision will hopefully see the backlash for it.
Drew did not come to O-Rock 105.9 to be a glorified disc jockey. He was hired because he was talented, and he put together a great show, which is what I want to listen to in the morning.
I also would like to say that on the way home now after a long Morning After Show-less day at work, I am no longer greeted by Jody and Scott as I drive through the horrible I-4 traffic. Jody and Scott used to make it bearable. Jody AND Scott. Not just Scott. Now I switch the station as soon as I can.
In fact, the only reason I even put O-Rock 105.9 on at ALL anymore is to see if O-Rock has realized what a stupid decision this was and went back to the show format for the mornings and early evening.
Drew, Savannah, I suggest you find a better station that will make use of your talents.
This decision was idiotic at best.
Goodbye, O-Rock. Maybe when you get your collective head out of your collective behind I'll be back.
Until then, count me the hell out of your money-grabbing format-change schemes.
I hate the new format! I enjoyed listening to the crew's comments and calls. I miss "the most interactive radio show in the history of man"!! Please bring it back.
i cannot believe your program director (bobby smith) would allow such a change. is he such a talentless hack that he does not see the true talent within "the morning after show"? i am disgusted with the new format, if i wanted all music, i'd listen to my ipod. for just over a year, myself and all the other people i work with have enjoyed drew, sexy savannah and silent rob's humor and wit, they made our difficult days at work sooooo much better. it's been difficult trying to get accustomed to the other morning show, but it's better than the crap ass show that you, bobby smith, have allowed. you are wasting the god given talents of three phenomenal people. drew, whom i've listened to for years(albeit most in the p.m.) is a wonderful and knowledgable host, no matter his timeslot. savannah is funny as hell and has brought alot of talent to the show. not to mention SHE'S FINE AS HELL!!!!!. silent rob. what can i say, funny,efficient, outstanding producer(even if mange was to stupid to notice and take cues) the man is a friggin genius! bobby i am not sure why you changed the morning after show,maybe your scared of good ratings and loyal listeners or maybe your jealous. i don't know, but i will tune in periodically to see when your world implodes and somebody comes to their senses. till then farewell. Drew,Savannah and Rob, still got nothing but love for you guys:)
I really don't like the change all that much. I really enjoyed the interaction you all had going on with each other, the phone calls, the views of others and looked forward to it every single morning while I was out working.
You play music all day and all night..a break is always a nice thing and thats why it is called the morning after!
Switch back!!
I live in Citrus County and can BARELY tune in your station without static. I listen for The Morning After Show and J&S. There are other stations I can tune into (and now do) to hear the SAME music you play, but there is no other station with the talent you guys have. The move was plan bad and the unending support (though I can understand why you have to) from the DJs make it seem as if you guys are happy all you have to do now is spin CDs and collect a check at the end of the week with no content other than the 30 seconds we get to hear you between the 9 minute ADs and 105 minutes of music. Sad I miss my O-Rock and will tune in every so often to see if things have shaped up.
Incredibly disappointing...
I moved to Central FL a couple of years ago and found this show. I truly enjoyed it. Made my commute bearable if not enjoyable. The show also took the place of Howard when he went to satellite. I guess I'll have to invest in Sirius now to find some entertaining, radio content. I believe O-rock has lost thousands of loyal listeners as a result of this change. Nice work.
I agree with the comments made here by others. The Morning after show took the place of stern and i did not get sirius because i liked what i was hearing. The other shows around town are so , well just stupid. 101.1 is just retarded in the morning as well as The Buckethead show, you cant listen to it for more then 2 minutes. You guys were funny and the calls were great. Ive been a fan of drew and sexy savannah for ever and now since your not talking well O rock is worthless. If i want to hear music ill put on a cd, i like news ,talk and comedy. its all gone now. well tell the management, well done , maybe you should play soul or gospel music. A very stupid choice they have made and i will never listen again to your station, unless your back to talk radio...i wish you guys the best and luck in the future....tony
Well, I read the comments about how having more music in the morning sucks and completely disagree. If I wanted to listen to more talk I'd switch to NPR or AM Radio. Or I can listen to 107.3 up in Jacksonville (the commercial alternative station).
I enjoy listening to music on my way to school. And you play a nice mixture of new and old. So, thank you.
There are few radio stations out there that do not cater to the masses and I'm glad O-Rock is one of them.
Of course, Bryan's comment about being "not so hot on the rock" confuses me. It is O-ROCK right? Just kidding. It's late.
Keep up the good work. And play as much music as you want.
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