Friday, November 9, 2007

Does Your Job Suck?

AOL and CBS MarketWatch put together a list of the 10 worst jobs in America, based on salary, chances for advancement, prestige and, in general, how enjoyable they are. And if you learn one thing from the list, it's this: Never work at a movie theater or restaurant.

#10.) MOTION PICTURE PROJECTIONISTS. Low salary, almost no benefits . . . and you have to sit through the same awful movies like "The Game Plan" and whatever the monthly TYLER PERRY movie is over and over and over.

#9.) DISHWASHERS. You don't get paid, you burn and tear up your hands . . . and unlike all the other people in the restaurant, you don't get tips.

#8.) MODELS, DEMONSTRATORS AND PRODUCT PROMOTERS. Unless you're a superstar model, your chance of making a decent living is almost zero. You'll mostly be stuck at trade shows and car shows.

#7.) TOUR AND TRAVEL GUIDES. Tour guides have to BEG for tips . . . because their salaries are so low. And, if you're giving tours to foreign tourists, you're in trouble . . . because most other countries aren't down with generous, American-style tipping.

#6.) WAITERS. Whether you can pay rent for the month depends on how generous people are, and whether they tip the before-tax total or after-tax total. And that's a tough way to live.

#5.) LIFEGUARDS. It's OK as a summer job when you're in high school . . . but it's not a very promising career as an adult.

#4.) FABRIC AND APPAREL PATTERNMAKERS. The pay is low, the hours are long and the work is unbelievably repetitive.

#3.) USHERS, LOBBY ATTENDANTS AND TICKET TAKERS. All of these movie theater jobs have low pay, strange hours . . . and constant interactions with angry customers. And you'll have to work all major holidays and weekends.

#2.) COUNTER ATTENDANTS. Whether you're at the concession stand at a movie theater, an amusement park or a coffee shop, you have to deal with a high volume of customers, all with different, complex orders . . . and you barely get minimum wage.

#1.) HOSTS AND HOSTESSES. Working as a host at a busy restaurant is mentally and physically exhausting . . . you have to be diplomatic, organized AND able to handle a constant flow of hungry AND angry people.

--And you won't get paid much, won't get tips . . . and don't really have any long-term prospects of moving up. (AOL Money & Finance)

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