Thursday, April 26, 2007
Green Day Fans!
You really haven't lived until you've heard Jesus of Suburbia covered by a 7-year-old Japanese kid who is learning English. Thanks to YouTube, you can witness the brilliance firsthand! Make sure your speakers are on, you're not near Billie Joe, and click here!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Got it bad...again...
Female Sex Predators are, in Savannah's words, "taking it back." The latest one is a teacher from Titusville...she got caught with a sixteen-year-old boy in a van in a CHURCH PARKING LOT! Channel 9's website provided us with her mugshot and myspace pictures. Here's the link!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Superhero Falls From Grace
You know it's going to be a great day for news stories when you read the headline "Doctor dressed as Captain America arrested with burrito in his pants." Here's the unlucky fella...wonder what substance could have made him want to put a burrito in his tights?
Friday, April 20, 2007
Alec of the year!
Our good friend Perez Hilton posted a phone message from Alec Baldwin to his 11-year-old daughter that is shocking. Here is a link to it. It'll make you feel like a better parent than Alec, even if you don't have any kids!
15 Minutes Are Up!
It's finally on youtube...Drew Garabo's television broadcasting debut! CLICK HERE to see it and laugh!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Video from the Virginia Tech Shooter
Okay, so we talked about it all morning long...and here's the link to the excerpt of the video mailed to NBC News by the Va Tech Shooter.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
More Perspective on the Virginia Tech Massacre
Before I had a kid, I had no idea how much work and worrying it would be. Becoming a father has given me an entirely new perspective on just about everything, from discipline to nutrition. One of the first thoughts that entered my mind upon hearing about the Virginia Tech massacre was empathy for all the parents of kids who attended that school. Imagine that you do your best to keep your infant, then toddler, then adolescent, etc. out of harm's way. You make it through all the bumps and bruises, broken bones and broken hearts. You somehow manage to navigate the turbulent sea of puberty without too many emotional scars. You achieve the goal of getting your kid to college so he or she can learn to sprout wings and fly on his/her own...and then, just when you think everything's going to work out just fine...a crazed gunman takes your love away from you. Just like that.
The grief and horror a parent must feel in that situation is unimaginable. Last night, when my wife got home from work, the 3 of us just played in the backyard and felt lucky to enjoy each others' company. The weather was picture-perfect...sunny and clear, but a blustery breeze kept it just on the comfortable side of cool. At just under four years old, Xander's not nearly mature enough to handle a discussion about what happened yesterday morning. His mother and I try our hardest to steer him from dangerous situations, but he's definitely a risk-taker. Not a day goes by in which we don't have to admonish him for something like jumping from a too-high slide, running where he's not supposed to, or engaging in countless other daredevil activities.
Anytime a tragedy strikes, I try to challenge myself to find a positive. Some instances like Sept. 11, 2001, are nearly completely devoid of a silver lining. When I hear about more than 30 students being gunned down in cold blood on a Monday morning, I can't help but again feel like I'm so fortunate to have such a marvelous young boy for a child. Sure, it's scary as hell to think about what could happen to him today, tomorrow, next week, or next decade...but all I can do is the best I can do to help him learn what he needs to know to be a great man.
I also can't help but think about all the crazy callers I've talked to through my years in Orlando radio. Some I've laughed with, some at. I feel like I've perhaps helped a handful of them by giving them someone to talk to when they had nobody else. I don't know that I've always tried my hardest to be sufficiently compassionate, but I can vow to start today. Even after almost fifteen years of caller-interactive radio in this city, I still try to put a human soul to every voice I hear. Even those who call to insult me or the show are doing so because they want or need validation in some way, shape, or form. Anyone can hurl invective, engage in verbal sparring, or simply hang up on "a caller from hell," but who can hear the warning signs of serious peril?
I like to think that I can. Some of the most rewarding moments I've ever had have been hanging up with a caller-in-need and truly feeling like I've helped to make a difference. Whether it's offering advice or feedback or simply a listening ear, I strive to be accessible and supportive to nearly everyone. In the broadcasting profession, where so much is about dollar signs and ratings points, I still find it vital to be available to anyone who needs me. It shouldn't take a national tragedy to serve as a reminder...but I would be lying if I said it didn't at least shake me up and plant that thought in my head that one of my primary objectives is to serve the public interest. If I can reel someone back in to the world rather than allow them to drift off into lunacy, it is time well spent as far as I'm concerned.
When we, as the Morning After Show, call ourself the "most interactive show in the history of man," we mean it. We don't screen out any of our phone calls, except in extreme cases (young kids, people who have already been on the air that day, our bosses) simply because we enjoy hearing from as many people as possible on any given morning. If there's ever something on your mind, you can always rely on us at 407-919-1059 between 5:30 and 10 AM, Monday through Friday. If you feel like nobody else wants to listen to your crazy ass, might be right. However, we will not only listen to you but we might actually give you a nugget of insight that could help you turn your frown upside down. Or, at the very least, take your personal trauma and help it become compelling radio. Either way, nobody loses and nobody gets hurt.
The grief and horror a parent must feel in that situation is unimaginable. Last night, when my wife got home from work, the 3 of us just played in the backyard and felt lucky to enjoy each others' company. The weather was picture-perfect...sunny and clear, but a blustery breeze kept it just on the comfortable side of cool. At just under four years old, Xander's not nearly mature enough to handle a discussion about what happened yesterday morning. His mother and I try our hardest to steer him from dangerous situations, but he's definitely a risk-taker. Not a day goes by in which we don't have to admonish him for something like jumping from a too-high slide, running where he's not supposed to, or engaging in countless other daredevil activities.
Anytime a tragedy strikes, I try to challenge myself to find a positive. Some instances like Sept. 11, 2001, are nearly completely devoid of a silver lining. When I hear about more than 30 students being gunned down in cold blood on a Monday morning, I can't help but again feel like I'm so fortunate to have such a marvelous young boy for a child. Sure, it's scary as hell to think about what could happen to him today, tomorrow, next week, or next decade...but all I can do is the best I can do to help him learn what he needs to know to be a great man.
I also can't help but think about all the crazy callers I've talked to through my years in Orlando radio. Some I've laughed with, some at. I feel like I've perhaps helped a handful of them by giving them someone to talk to when they had nobody else. I don't know that I've always tried my hardest to be sufficiently compassionate, but I can vow to start today. Even after almost fifteen years of caller-interactive radio in this city, I still try to put a human soul to every voice I hear. Even those who call to insult me or the show are doing so because they want or need validation in some way, shape, or form. Anyone can hurl invective, engage in verbal sparring, or simply hang up on "a caller from hell," but who can hear the warning signs of serious peril?
I like to think that I can. Some of the most rewarding moments I've ever had have been hanging up with a caller-in-need and truly feeling like I've helped to make a difference. Whether it's offering advice or feedback or simply a listening ear, I strive to be accessible and supportive to nearly everyone. In the broadcasting profession, where so much is about dollar signs and ratings points, I still find it vital to be available to anyone who needs me. It shouldn't take a national tragedy to serve as a reminder...but I would be lying if I said it didn't at least shake me up and plant that thought in my head that one of my primary objectives is to serve the public interest. If I can reel someone back in to the world rather than allow them to drift off into lunacy, it is time well spent as far as I'm concerned.
When we, as the Morning After Show, call ourself the "most interactive show in the history of man," we mean it. We don't screen out any of our phone calls, except in extreme cases (young kids, people who have already been on the air that day, our bosses) simply because we enjoy hearing from as many people as possible on any given morning. If there's ever something on your mind, you can always rely on us at 407-919-1059 between 5:30 and 10 AM, Monday through Friday. If you feel like nobody else wants to listen to your crazy ass, might be right. However, we will not only listen to you but we might actually give you a nugget of insight that could help you turn your frown upside down. Or, at the very least, take your personal trauma and help it become compelling radio. Either way, nobody loses and nobody gets hurt.
Nothing's Shocking
So, today we obviously spent a great deal of time talking about the Virginia Tech Massacre. It's unavoidable that people want to share their opinions, lay blame, search for a reason, or simply sound off. When I read President Bush's comments about being "shocked" and "saddened" by the loss of so many young lives, I couldn't hold my tongue. This is a President who invaded a foreign country and put thousands of young lives at risk...and for what? To fight terrorism? Oil? To finish the job his dad left incomplete? I know there is no comparison between what happened at Virginia Tech and our troops dying in Iraq...but like Savannah said this morning, when I hear our President speak of the loss of young lives it turns my stomach. So far, we've lost well over 3000 of our troops in the interest of "restoring freedom to Iraq." I don't feel any you? I wish I could say I was more shocked by the school shooting...but like so many Americans, nothing shocks me anymore. On September 11, 2001, when I saw that second plane fly into the ability to be shocked flew out the window. I then realized that evil comes in many forms, shapes, sizes, and colors. Since then, nothing really shocks me. I'm sad for the families of the students and faculty who lost their lives...and indeed, I do shake my head in amazement by the ways of the world...but I can't honestly say I'm shocked.
Magic Girls!
CODE BLUE! CODE BLUE! The Orlando Magic are in the NBA Playoffs for the first time since 2003! Go to or call 1-800-4NBATIX to get your playoff tickets! Here are some pictures of the lovely ladies from the Magic who stopped by your Morning After Show on Tuesday!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Even More Interactive...Could Streaming Be Far Behind?
Yes, streaming could be far behind. However, LIVE CHAT is up and running on the right side of your screen at . From what I've seen so far, O-Rock personalities outnumber civilians by at least 9-to-1. It's free and easy, and it's a fantastic way to get your song heard, opinion read, or at least giggle when your curse words become ***** right before your eyes.
What about streaming, you may/should be asking? We've been promised a complete upgrade to all our equipment which would lend itself to streaming our content online. The timetable is a little fuzzy, and by "fuzzy" I mean "it's been off so many times I'm embarrassed to even bring it up." However, you know we pride ourselves on being send us email, call us, and now...CHAT WITH US about how it's still not over for Daughtry or if the guy in Hinder will end up kissing those Lips of an Angel.
MUST-SEE O-ROCK 1059 SHOW tomorrow night at the House of Blues as Flaming Lips come to town. If you miss this show, you'll be all like "man, I shouldn't have missed that show." I swear.
What about streaming, you may/should be asking? We've been promised a complete upgrade to all our equipment which would lend itself to streaming our content online. The timetable is a little fuzzy, and by "fuzzy" I mean "it's been off so many times I'm embarrassed to even bring it up." However, you know we pride ourselves on being send us email, call us, and now...CHAT WITH US about how it's still not over for Daughtry or if the guy in Hinder will end up kissing those Lips of an Angel.
MUST-SEE O-ROCK 1059 SHOW tomorrow night at the House of Blues as Flaming Lips come to town. If you miss this show, you'll be all like "man, I shouldn't have missed that show." I swear.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Live Earth!
Huge concert announcement this morning on The Morning After Show! Kevin Wall, the guy behind the Live 8 concert, announced the NYC and London lineups for LIVE EARTH, happening on 7/7/7 on all 7 continents! We're talking Chili Peppers, Beastie Boys, Madonna, AFI, and a whooooole lot more! Check out for more info about this massive, world-wide, 24-hour concert! It'll be in the US at Giants Stadium!
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Don't get hoodwinked out of the Bamboozle!
I just thought it would be prudent to remind you that this is the last week we'll be drawing names for the Bamboozle. All you have to do is go to and register your name. It's free. Then, even if you're sleeping at 7:10 AM when we read your name...chances are good that someone you know will hit you up and say "HEY! They're calling your name on O-Rock 1059 and you have ten minutes to call in!" Then, you spring into action and get yourself on the standby list for Flight 1059 to see My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, Weird Al, MC Hammer, and 67 other bands including Jacksonville's Whole Wheat Bread! Don't delay, register today and good luck.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Blog Awareness
If you're reading this blog, hopefully you're also reading my myspace blog. If not, here's a link to the newest entry!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Bunnies and Killers!
We have one of the last pairs of tickets to the O-Rock 1059 4/20 Celebration with The Killers at the UCF Arena! We will be giving them away tomorrow; they'll likely be attached to the blue belly of a bunny! Listen to The Morning After Show tomorrow to find out how you might be able to catch that wascally wabbit and see the KILLERS at this sold-out O-Rock 1059 SHOW!
Sweep The Leg!
No More Kings frontman PETE was good enough to visit our palacial O-Rock studios...his band is a fun rock band. HERE is the link for his band's awesome video featuring the cast of Karate Kid! Great stuff!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad...I'm hot for teacher...
Monday, April 2, 2007
Kermit "Hurt" Video!
You must click here to behold the magic of the's Kermit the Frog covering Johnny Cash covering Trent Reznor's "Hurt." Not for the faint of heart!
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